Q4 2023: Construction Labor updates

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average hourly earnings in the overall construction industry have increased 5.4% over the past year.

The construction industry needs 60k new hires per month to keep up with demand which is why recruitment is happening in a previously untapped cohorts for the construction sector: women and veterans. Women in construction has increased recently, rising to 10.9% in 2022 from 9.1% in 2017. Construction also attracts 6.5% of all employed veterans. Additionally, immigrant workers now account for 24% of the construction workforce. Hispanic workers make up close to a third of the construction labor force. [4]


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Construction companies want to see more women in the industry and have teamed up with schools to give students the chance for hands-on experience with basic construction skills.

“Construction 101 for Teens”, a women-led workshop, hopes to show high school girls that there are people who look like them in the field who they can relate to and inspire them to build things in their communities.

The public-school year is underway in Q4 and some high schools, like Rosemont High School in The Sacramento area, have already begun training students through construction workshops—specifically female students. [6]

[4] Salandro, V. (2023, October 20). HBI: Construction industry needs 60,000 hires per month to keep pace with demand. Builder. https://www.builderonline.com/building/trades-subcontractors/hbi-construction-industry-needs-60-000-hires-per-month-to-keep-pace-with-demand_o
[5] Horan, Stephanie (2023, October 5) The Construction Industry Has a Smaller Pay Gap vs. the National Average. So Why Are Women Underrepresented. Today’s Homeowner. https://todayshomeowner.com/general/guides/women-in-construction/
[6] Bandur, M. (2023, November 9). “Construction 101 for teens” aims to recruit girls to the male-dominated industry. KCRA. https://www.kcra.com/article/construction-101-for-teens-sacramento-girls/45742732

Q4 2023: Environmental Updates


Q4 2023: Construction Industry updates